See below for a list of all plants we carry that meet the characteristic criteria of Winter Interest plants.
'Cis' Korean Fir
'Starker's Dwarf' Korean Fir
Ice Breaker Korean Fir
'Ice Dragon™' Maple
'Summer Beauty' Ornamental Onion
Spaeth's Alder
'Standing Ovation™' Serviceberry
Chicagoland Green® Boxwood
'Sprinter®' Boxwood
'Angel Hair' Threadbranch Cypress
'Cream Ball' Falsecypress
False Cypress
'Neon Burst™' Dogwood
'Firedance™' Dogwood
'Isanti' Red Osier Dogwood
Arctic Fire Yellow-Twig Dogwood
Fruit Punch® 'Classic Coral'
Fruit Punch® 'Cranberry Cocktail'
'Tianshan®' Seven-Son Flower
'Wildfire™' Winterberry
Berry Heavy® 'Gold'
'Blue Prince' Holly
'Star Power®' Juniper
'Gin Fizz®' Juniper
'Iowa' Juniper
'Perfecta' Chinese Juniper
'Trautman' Juniper
'Plumosa Compacta' Andorra Juniper
'Blue Arrow' Juniper
'Canaerti' Juniper
'Emerald Feather™' Juniper
'Raspberry Spear®' Crabapple
'Red Jewel™' Crabapple
'Starlite®' Crabapple
Ruby Dayze® Crabapple
Prairifire Crabapple
'Firebird®' Crabapple
'Celtic Pride®' Siberian Cypress
Purple Maiden Grass
'Firestarter®' Tupelo
Prairie Winds® 'Apache Rose'
'Pumila' Dwarf Spruce
'Sherwood Compact' Dwarf Norway Spruce
Royal Splendor ® Norway Spruce
'Alberta Blue' Dwarf Alberta Spruce
'Montrose Charm' White Spruce
'North Star' White Spruce