See below for a list of all plants we carry that meet the characteristic criteria of Award Winning plants.
'Sweet Summer Love'
''Vanilla Spice®'' Summersweet
''Arctic Fire® Red'' Red-Osier Dogwood
'Cheyenne Spirit' Coneflower
'PowWow Wild Berry' Coneflower
''Gold Splash®'' Wintercreeper
''Blue Chiffon®'' Rose of Sharon
''Lavender Chiffon®'' Rose Of Sharon
''White Chiffon®'' Rose of Sharon
'Purple Pillar®' Rose of Sharon
'Violet Satin®' Rose of Sharon
'White Pillar®' Rose of Sharon
'Twist-n-Shout®' Bigleaf Hydrangea
''Quick Fire®'' Panicle Hydrangea
'Bobo®' Panicle Hydrangea
'Limelight' Panicle Hydrangea
'Breakers' Breakers Bearded Iris
''Little Henry®'' Sweetspire
'Scentlandia®' Sweetspire
''Coppertina®'' Ninebark
''Black Lace®'' Elderberry
Wine & Roses®