See below for a list of all plants we carry that meet the characteristic criteria of Average Water plants.
Concolor Fir
'Cis' Korean Fir
'Starker's Dwarf' Korean Fir
Ice Breaker Korean Fir
'Bailey Compact' Amur Maple
'Paperbark Maple'
'State Street®' Miyabe Maple
'Emperor 1®' Japanese Maple
'Fireglow' Japanese Maple
'Tobiosho' Japanese Maple
'Twombly's Red Sentinel' Japanese Maple
Japanese Maple
'Bloodgood' Japanese Maple
'Crimson Queen' Japanese Maple
'Inaba Shidare' Japanese Maple
'Orange Flame' Japanese Maple
'Red Dragon' Japanese Maple
'Tamukeyama' Japanese Maple
'Crimson King' Norway Maple
'Deborah' Norway Maple
'Northern Glow®' Maple
'Armstrong Gold™' Maple
'Brandywine' Red Maple
'Red Sunset®' Red Maple
'Redpointe®' Maple
'Crimson Sunset®' Maple
'Sienna Glen®' Freeman Maple
Autumn Blaze® Freeman Maple
'Ice Dragon™' Maple
Pacific Rim® 'Final Fire®'
Pacific Rim® 'Wabi sabi'
'Firefly Fuchsia' Yarrow
'Moonshine' Yarrow
New Vintage™ Red
'Baumannii' Horsechestnut
Bottlebrush Buckeye
'Autumn Splendor' Buckeye
'Briotii' Red Horsechestnut
'Ft. McNair' Red Horsechestnut
Meant to Bee™ 'Queen Nectarine'
Meant to Bee™ 'Royal Raspberry'
'Las Vegas' Hollyhock
Spotlight™ ''Mars Magic''
'Serendipity' Ornamental Onion
'Summer Beauty' Ornamental Onion
Spaeth's Alder
'Rainbow Pillar®' Serviceberry
'Blue Ice' Blue Star